

Rule 1
Rise with the Sun.
Rest when the day is done.
Low lights in the evening.

Rule 2
Eat twice a day.
Natural foods.
No sugar. No coffee.
Brush twice a day.
Rest only in a tidy room.

Rule 3
Do household chores.
Laundry, dishes, floors.
Water your plants. Feed your pets.
Do household safety checks.
And any pending repairs.

Rule 4
Walk to the horizon & back.
Swim, climb, and play catch.
Seek out nature.
Get some sunshine.

Rule 5
Sharpen your mind.
Compete in arithmetic.
Ask a natural world question.
Seek out the answer.

Rule 6
Learn a new technology.
Coding. Modelling. Keep working.
And collaborate on projects.

Rule 7
Earn clean money.
Learn financial law.
Review your records, too.

Rule 8
Learn a foreign language.
Listen to it, speak in it.
Put ten new words into action each day.

Rule 9
Be with family, friends, & community.
Fulfill your responsibilities.
Have a deep conversation.
Do an act of kindness.

Rule 10
Read ten pages minimum.
The hard books, the good books.
Make or memorise a poem each night.

Rule 11
Practice one art familiar.
And one art unfamiliar.
Write. Sing. Draw.
Be authentic.

Rule 12
Hone your chosen craft.
Master a new technique.
Repair or repurpose items.

Rule 13
Give a gift when you can.
Put time, money, and meaning into it.
Ask for nothing in return.

Rule 14
Track the nearby news.
And the worldly news.
Practise fact checking.
Spread your sources.

Rule 15
Plan the day.
Clear goals. Positive mindset.
Reflect at night.
Speak with gratitude.
Tell the truth.

Rule 16
Morning and evening,
sit still in silence,
Morning and evening,
breathe deeply & stretch.

Rule 17
Guard your focus.
No drinks, drugs, or cigarettes.
No porn or short media at all.